lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Always positive thought!

Our "secret" to ensure our success in life, give smiles to everyone
Live day to day with joy and with a beautiful smile
Life is too short to do what makes you feel happier

martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Water Sensory therapy with Marquito!

You can stay in therapy your whole life, but you've got to live life and not talk about life.
I find a therapy in playing water, in many different ways.
To go into therapy is an adventure, I know I'll feel so much better afterwards.
The greatest healing therapy is friendship, smile, patience and love.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Happiness in a Hospital

Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it.
Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others happy.
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness.

domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

Marquito and his grandpa Nonno Ricardo

My father is a great grandfather. He's a wonderful grandfather.
Marquita's grandfather had a particularly important influence on his life, even though we didn't visit him often,  because he lives out of the country.
The most important thing my father taught me was that the most noble way to use your skills, intellect and energy is to defend the marginalized against those with the greatest power.
What advice do I tell my grandson? I listen to him
 There is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson. They are enjoyed.
My childhood memories of my father is wonderful. Marquito's grandfather has a spirited, humorous personality.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

There are no walls that you and I cannot jump. Who said it would be easy to live with your disabilities ?….Who…?

The boy who is going to make a great man must not make up his mind merely to overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in spite of a thousand repulses and defeats.
Never be afraid to offer a smile; sure the risk is that a few foolish people may misinterpret my kindness as weakness, but the sweet reward is that as you make new friends and encourage others, the foolish will learn the error of their ways because you did at least show them your teeth.
Replace the word can’t with can. Know that you can, believe that you can, and know with all of your heart that you will. You will succeed in spite of any obstacles that may try to hinder you! There’s so much power in having a positive attitude, positive mindset, and positive outlook.
It was so risky and so scary, and yet at the same time, so beautiful. Maybe the truth was, it shouldn't be easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It's the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something is difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder -if not impossible- to lose
Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.
Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity.
One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.

If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Smile No Matter What - Monday Motivation Autism & Down Syndrome

Life isn't about love stories, wars and glory. Life is about you, and who you want to be. The only dream that will come true, is who you are.

Marquito these last 4 days, you taught me to be strong as an oak.
My best gift on Mother's Day is your smile and your strength to succeed despite all. 

You make the sun shine on a cloudy day. When I'm sick you kiss the pain away. Your tender voice took away my fears, your hand that wiped away my tears. The love you give so honest and pure, keeping me forever safe and secure. You make flowers bloom in the spring, it was you who fixed my broken wing. SON because of you I now know love, my guardian angel from above. I Love you sunshine.

Life isn't about love stories, wars and glory. Life is about you, and who you want to be. The only dream that will come true, is who you are.

Laugh hard, smile no matter what youre going through, give everyone a second chance, and dont ever forget...rules were meant to be is too short to be anything but happy! 

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Breaking down stereotypes Autism and Down Syndrome

We must help our children develop vocational or career skills and have a happy family life
Support is very important and necessary to live a life worth living. It is clear that most people with disabilities have a hard time surviving daily, but with all our affection and understanding they can overcome.
Disability should not be an obstacle to success

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Autism & Down Syndrome Monday Motivation

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”  Confucius
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”  Henry David Thoreau

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2014

Speech therapy, speech therapy, communication development in children with Down Syndrome and Autism

The impact of the stimulation and quality of content of speech effect the pace of development of language and knowledge of children.

Suitable environment to promote a positive early child development, forming the structure or framework for learning throughout childhood and later
With the famous journalist and writer Patsy Adolph

 The children follow the pattern of their parents in communicative style and action.  
Through our always beloved, with famous singer Lula Valdivia

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Our unique label, should be our own name. Prominence of the person with a disability

"Labeling is something definite; once you say, making meaning. "(Namka). 
"Labeling is a process in which descriptors are created to identify people who differ from the norm. Standards is a large relative term. Each of us is different from another person in some way. " 
(Darrow and White)

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Stimuli and motivation: Giving attention to good educational training of our children with autism and Down syndrome

The interpersonal relationships are based on empathy, put yourself in their place, and involve the development of social competence, cooperation and friendship ties. Children should learn to initiate and maintain friendships, better communicate with their friends, parents and teachers
 seek to enhance the capacities of children, besides acting in collaboration with families and the environment

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Recomendaciones para quien cuida a un familiar con discapacidad

La risa es una potente defensa en contra de la carga del cuidado, por lo tanto, cuando se esté
 exhausto, hay que encontrar la manera de 

Haga ejercicios diariamente. Incluso una breve sesión de ejercicios periódicos en algún momento del día puede lograr resultados extraordinarios para mejorar la calidad del sueño, reducir el estrés y las emociones negativas, relajar la tensión muscular y elevar su agilidad mental y el nivel de energía. Algunas investigaciones recientes muestran los beneficios para la salud de caminar aunque sea 20 minutos al día, tres veces a la semana. Consulte al médico sobre un plan de ejercicios que le convenga
Tómese el tiempo necesario para atender a sus propias necesidades. La recreación no es un lujo: es un tiempo necesario para "recrearse", para renovarse. Al menos una vez a la semana, y durante varias horas cada vez, necesita disponer de tiempo exclusivo para usted para leer un libro, almorzar con una amistad o irse de paseo

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Judo Program for children with various physical disabilities

Marquito  with sensei David Tanimura

I want to tell you about a wonderful project. Judo program for people with disabilities! 

The purpose of the program is to facilitate Judo in a practical and functional learning environment. I have been working closely with Sensei  Brett Wolf and his team.  They provided support with so much love, solidarity, patience and above all much respect for human life. 

Actually my respect and admiration for this group of caring people who give their time and make a better world for our children! 

Training begins with socialization. This is a sensitizing and awareness activity. It improves the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities by providing the opportunity to develop friendship, and gives one on one assistance to prepare them to participate actively in society. This is healthy and disciplined sport that creates space for friendly relations between people without and without intellectual disabilities. These friendships raise self-esteem, self-confidence and strengthen the social skills of all involved. They are mutually enriching. They are a great motivating factor for volunteering students. 
People with intellectual disabilities and other reading difficulties understand and have the ability to learn but need adaptations in the presentation of information. 

Feel free to contact Sensei Brett Wolf, he is the person to talk about this wonderful program. 

Please contact Sensei  Brett Wolf

Sensei Brett Wolf

This is great Martha !!! Thank you so much for the kind words. As you know, I am very passionate about our Judo programs for people with disabilities. It's been so rewarding to watch these programs grow and the participants gain confidence, strength, flexibility and lifelong friends.

Anyone interested in additional information on our programs or mission should feel free to contact me at:

Brett Wolf
Menomonee Judo Club - USA Judo Paralympic National Training Site
Chicago, IL

773 230-6070 

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Today April 2nd 2014 is World Day of Autism!!

Marquito with Principal Lorraine, Miss Sally and nurse.  My family and our team will glow in blue t shirts for Autism!!
A day to illuminate everything in blue to show your support!! 

We admire, love and respect anyone with Autism and we are proud and happy to share this feeling with our dear Marquito!!

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

My dream come true

You are the light of my day My angel!!

My most wonderful feeling

 Marquito, at last I’ve found you, you are my own perfect radiance!

You arrived in my life as the most beautiful rainbow after the storm.

With a wonderful smile that turns everything into light and joy.

Your hands express in every embrace, the most sincere and beautiful emotion.

Your sweet and clear look is the engine to all our achievements.

Our unique connection and complicity expresses all sounds.

The most beautiful melody, making the world exceptional and fascinating.

Each step is a reward for the hard work and tenacity of your innocent being.

I proudly see you walk through life and I say to myself

“If he can, so can I”. You are a great inspiration, my Marquito,

Tender angel,

Gift from God.

To speak of you, is to speak of love.

Seeing and contemplating you each instant of my life, is sweet wisdom.

Your silences and lack of silences, is the communication of our souls and hearts.

Your sole innocence, your smile makes of my life a gorgeous rainbow.

You are made up of love, made up of kisses, hugs, affection; you are gentleness and tenderness personified. You are my son, a piece of heaven.

My dream made true, the angel of my dreams come true, love turned human, full of tenderness, innocence and love. A treasure called miracle of life and hope.

This is you, my dear Marquito.

The most wonderful inspiration, a perfectly made masterpiece

You came to this life as another gift, and that does not make you any different

This makes you a super special person, because you are my champion,

My son, dearest ray of light.

You were born to fill my life with much love and hope.

© copyright 2014

Martha Genetz

The condition of Autism Spectrum Disorder- Diagnosis

Autismo, Marquito, A mothers journal to Autism&DS, Autism

Many spiritual things are invaluable such as love and a kind word.
A grateful smile is priceless, and it's free !!
Help us raise awareness about the Autism in the world !!