sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

My most precious treasure-Marquito

"The Best thing about Life is our Children "
Sindrome Down, Down Syndrome, Autism , Autismo , marquito , a mothers journal about autism and DS
I am the mother of a child who has the most beautiful smile in the world!

Marco Antonio (Marquito) officially received the news that he has the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
(SD-ASD). The news hit me like a cold shower, I had suspected something but I refused to believe it. I cried for ignoring my instincts. It felt very bad these last days. I thought why? You had an obligation to be aware of everything. Family and friends of mine very close to me know what I went through.

It was a time of much sadness for not knowing how to care for and protect the one I love most in the world, and not knowing how to educate myself. I criticized my work as a mother.
I'm the mom who knows about Down syndrome, but nothing about autism. Today I will focus only learning new therapies that help my child has reach their potential.
Regarding this dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism. I want to tell you I know that there are thousands of parents who ignore this. This is why I want to share with you this page. I hope it will help our children find the right step with doctors, therapists, and specialists.

The purpose of this page is to exchange information and opinions with parents of people with Down syndrome and autism, the term dual diagnosis refers to a person with a developmental disability, such as Down syndrome (DS) and a psychiatric disorder, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Share their stories and experiences and help each other. It is essential that parents with children with Down syndrome seek help in a support group for families of children with autism, it will be useful and important.
I leave this passage from the book by Jorge Bucay "Stories for thinking" and I welcome this new space we hope to grow slowly. Thanks for your time!

I would take care not annul.
I want you to encourage me without pushing me.
I want you to hold me, not take care of me.
I want you to stay close without invade me. ...

Jorge Bucay, the book "Stories for thinking"

7 comentarios:

  1. Amiga celebro esta bella inicitiva!!! que sea el comienzo de una aventura bloggera que disfrutes intensamente!! escribir lo que sentimos y compartirlo con quienes tienes experiencias similares es terapéutico e inspirador!
    Te quiero!!

    1. Querida Patty, quiero agradecerte porque sin ti este proyecto no estaría activo, eres un ser maravilloso Mi cariño por ti es muy grande, y además has sabido ganártelo a pulso con tu especial forma de ser y de entregar tu amistad. Por eso,con orgullo te llamo "mi amiga de mi corazón" Te quiero Flaca

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Querida Sherezade, te felicito por este gran inicio y estoy orgullosa de ser tu amiga y madrina de tu bello hijo.

    1. Querida Rosy, eres una de mis mejores amiga y me siento muy orgullosa de ello, Un día mi padre me me dijo, mirando a Marquito Este es mi nieto y lo amo con todo mi ser, Así que, si realmente aprendes lo que significa la palabra amor, te darás cuenta que significa simplemente ser una extensión de otras personas, ayudar y ser amigables con otros seres humanos. Si no tienen suficientes recursos, ayudarles a que los consigan, que los desarrollen. Muy sabio sabio el ;)

  4. Baby, Do not shrink your beautiful light, to make someone else feel more comfortable. be who you are, without hesitation and you will inspire others to shine, also! Congrats Love.

    1. Baby, My best friend friend gave me, the best advice. He said each day was a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind. And try to take the path less traveled by. That first step you take is the longest stride.
      Thanks Love.
