martes, 12 de julio de 2016

The love I have for my son

Marquito has fun in the pool with his daddy!!

I had heard of the feelings of a mother for her son
But I never knew what it meant
Until my son, my precious one
As a gift from my God was sent

He was fat and cute, blonde hair on his head
The first time they brought him to me
I felt such pride my heart nearly burst
For this was my son, Marquito

So much sheer pleasure he has given to me
This sweet little boy of mine
Time passes so fast it seems like yesterday he was born and now he is 15 years old.

With hair now brown and freckles a few
A dimple in his cute little chin
He can melt my heart, fade my temper away
When he gives me his cute little grin

Most times to me he is so sweet
And so rarely temper is seen
When mischief rises ever so high
In those beautiful eyes so

He is my baby and always will be
And proudly his mom’s son
so much love we give to him
Our son, our precious one

I thank God each day for giving to us
This one hundred percent little boy
Into our lives he brings so much
Our son, our most precious one.

© copyright 2016

Martha Genetz

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