martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Stimuli and motivation: Giving attention to good educational training of our children with autism and Down syndrome

The interpersonal relationships are based on empathy, put yourself in their place, and involve the development of social competence, cooperation and friendship ties. Children should learn to initiate and maintain friendships, better communicate with their friends, parents and teachers
 seek to enhance the capacities of children, besides acting in collaboration with families and the environment
Our life requires motivating force, but above all resistance. It is a long-term work.Families need support of any kind, but there is one that we have always: good information. It is there; the question is wanting to know how to look for and then apply it.
That's when parents need to soak up information to find good solutions.

A good education is a priceless commodity which produces personal benefits throughout life. This is no less true for people with Down syndrome and autism, but for them and their parents have access to programs that guarantee the appropriate learning opportunities continuously involves overcoming a number of challenges to be extended throughout the school year

Many different methods can be used, but there are certain basic experiences that form the groundwork for future reading. These skills are planned by professionals and parents, working together from the stage of early intervention. The exercises are practiced at home as part of everyday life. Many of the pre-reading experiences are similar to that small children need to prepare for the language, and are often called pre-literacy skills and early literacy skills.

Provide sensory experiences. Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch are the sensory channels through which babies and toddlers learn about his world. Having some knowledge of the world is a requirement. Provide many sensory experiences, such as listening to music, smelling flowers, and feel different textures. Give them your time so you can concentrate on one of your senses and turn their attention to the interesting sensory experiences that exist in your environment. For example, do you discover the feel of sand, or how they feel when their feet are in the water, or how different they are to each other the various voices of the family, or what they smell orange cupcakes while baking?  There are many children's books that focus on childhood experiences.

Increase your attention. To learn to read, you should focus and pay attention for a period of time. In childhood, auditory and visual to increase time of concentration used stimulation. For example, keep your face close to hers and capture their attention. Then, make faces and funny sounds that capture your interest. Or sing one of his favorite songs are accompanied by movement. Then, when you learn to enjoy movement and song, add more verses to the song. The goal is to teach the child to focus for periods of increasingly longer time.

Create an environment that promotes literacy. We tend to think of reading as a specific skill to be mastered. But we are increasingly aware of the role of the environment in the promotion of literacy; children need to be prepared for the books. When a child turns the pages of a book in the bathtub vinyl, that helps promote the culture of reading. They need to look at books, magazines and other reading materials, both at home and in their early school environments. They need to be read, and they are given time to explore books. Long before learning how to really read a book, children can turn the pages and look at the pictures in books.
When adults and children reading a book together, acquire thousands of pre-literacy skills, like knowing how a book is held, or a book to read from top to bottom and from left to right; learn to recognize that printed words have regularly, and which differ from the marks and scribbles on a page, and learn it progresses through the pages. When we read to them, they also acquire practice in listening.

We must uphold the right to education of persons with Down syndrome and autism.

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